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Ever wondered how your skin tans?

Your natural skin colour is determined by skin pigment – melanin – and the presence and amount of melanin in an individual is determined by hereditary factors.


When skin is exposed to UV, cells deep in our skin – called melanocytes – initiate a process where more melanin is produced. This subsequently ‘browns’ as it rises to the skin’s surface producing a tan.  UV also causes the outer layer of the skin to thicken slightly.  This is the body’s way of building up protection to UV and to help avoid burning.


People will react differently to UV rays – darker skinned people produce melanin more readily.  The skin of some very fair people contains very little melanin and, even when exposed to UV, they cannot form melanin, so they will not tan in sunlight or on a sunbed very easily, or at all.  We'll always advise fair skinned people to use sunbeds very carefully - usually just 3 minutes per session until a base colour has developed over time.

If the natural tanning process is rushed, sunburn will result.  Skin has a natural repair mechanism but if this is triggered too frequently, it can become exhausted and result in permanent damage to the skin.


Is there a way to speed up the tanning process?

Yes!  Indoor tanning lotions help prepare your skin to accept UV rays and also help initiate the production of melanin.  That's why we always encourage our customers to use an indoor lotion (we have them available for just £3).


Indoor tanning lotions help you tan quicker and more deeply while keeping your skin moisturised and smooth.  Please ask staff for advice on which lotion would best suit you for the results you're looking to achieve.

DID YOU KNOW? Using sunbeds before your holiday can help prepare your skin and help prevent prickly heat and sunburn - letting you enjoy more sunshine.  That's why our busiest season is March - August!

T: 01473 744111 

35 Garrick Way, Ipswich


Topaz is a trading name of Topaz Tanning Ltd.

Company Registration No. 11290420

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